By Jim Roddy, Allegheny County Chief Executive
In this time of tight financial constraint for all organizations, it is necessary for all of us to do differently then we did before. Certainly, Allegheny County is no exception. That is why I am encouraging the county to undertake Row Office Reform.
Row Office Reform makes sense. It streamlines government to provide a more efficient and less costly method of doing business. If we consolidate our offices, we can save the county as much as $15 million per year. Additionally, we stop the duplication and triplication of services, which is both embarrassing and crippling to our government.
This proposal is non-partisan, and appeals to common sense. It helps the government be more accountable for its actions and also gives voters the chance to restructure and reorganize their elected officials. If Allegheny County is going to continue to be a leader in the 21st century, we need to adopt Row Office Reform.

By Thomas Jones, East Hills
In this time of lean sexual happenings, it is necessary for the Big Dawg to make a little transformation of his appearance. Apparently, the ladies aren’t biting on the corn rows, but that’s all right, ain’t gonna keep the Big Dawg down. I’ll just simply take them out and go au natural again.
I guess maybe things are starting to change. Ladies aren’t liking the Iverson anymore, and want a man more like Kobe. That’s all right, I can dig it. Ain’t no shame in trying new things and trying to be more effective in the hair care styling department. Just got to go with what works. I’m tired of looking like everyone else on the damn block, anyway. Cornrows are starting to get played out.
I think it’s for the best that the cornrows go. It just makes sense. If I’m gonna continue to be a player on the scene, I just got to adapt and change with the times. Can’t be having no punk-ass hairstyle. I guess, regardless, don’t matter what my hair style is, as long as I be working it.
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