Friday, February 13, 2004

New Blockbuster Video Porn Section Arouses Interest, Customers

To celebrate its one-year anniversary in Oakland, Blockbuster Video (Forbes Avenue location) added “hard-core porn” to its vast movie collection. Now, in addition to all of the newest popular releases and family films, members can rent hot new XXX releases like Lord of the Cock Rings, Finding Nympho, The Italian Rimjob, and T.W.A.T.

“Why didn’t we think of this sooner?” exclaimed store manager Mike Carter. “With all of the horny college kids, perverts, and hookers around here, we could’ve been raking in the dough!”

To rent the explicit, adult-only videos, customers must be over-18 years of age and present a valid ID before entering the “Adult Favorites” section – a small curtained-off room in the back of the store. There, the customer meets with dozens of titles (“The number is still growing,” says Carter).

“This is awesome!” said freshman Phil Lennard as he picked up a copy of The Fast and the Bi-Curious. “They should call this place Cockbuster or Blockbust-a-nut or somethin’.”

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