University of Pittsburgh Athletic Director, Steve Pederson, announced on Friday that he will once again be leaving the top athletic position at Pitt to return to another of his alma maters. This time, Pederson, who left Pitt in 2002 to take an AD position at his collegiate alma mater, will return to his high school alma mater and become acting athletic director of the North Platte High School Bulldogs in North Platte, Nebraska. “I was very proud of what I accomplished in my two week stint as returning AD at Pitt,” explained Pederson.
“I feel very fortunate that I was able to change the outgoing voicemail message at the departmental office to indicate actual office hours, I upgraded the coffee from a generic domestic brand to a fair trade gourmet Starbucks blend, and I authorized four staff members to take comp time during the holiday season to spend time with their family. I would have loved to stay longer at the University again, but it just so happens this job at North Platte High is the only job I would leave Pitt for, again. Well, except for the University of Nebraska, of course…and possibly North Platte Junior High and North Platte Elementary, as well. I’d have to think long and hard about those last two though, I don’t know some times younger kids get on my nerves. I just hope Chancellor Nordenberg understands that a chance to return to your alma mater only comes around every couple years, and I really had to jump at this opportunity.”
Pederson, who is credited with the revival of many Panther Athletic programs in his first tenure as athletic director, informed Chancellor Nordenberg of his decision last Thursday.
“I’d like to once again thank Steve for his service to the University of Pittsburgh,” said Nordenberg in an official statement. “We understand Steve needs to return to his roots again. From what I understand North Platte High is up and coming in the corn belt quad A football conference, and with [Pederson’s] tutelage and guidance, I’m sure that program is bound for glory. We wish Steve luck and would like to publicly reiterate that this job will always be his whenever he feels like taking it again, or not. We just want him to know that the door to his office will always be open, in fact we’re not even bothering to change the name plate outside his door.”
Pederson is already enthusiastic to begin his reign and guide the Bulldogs’ athletic department. North Platte school administrators have already discussed plans to update gymnasium bleachers from a lacquered wood to a more durable plastic, and Pederson is rumored to be initiating a controversial seating plan at the new gymnasium. The plan will call for the elimination of the outdated “first come, first served” system to updated seating by perks system. North Platte spectators will start out viewing the event at the top rows and then be subsequently moved up closer and closer to the action depending on how many 50-50 tickets they purchase during the course of the athletic contest.
Pederson will officially begin his new position on January 2, 2008. The University of Pittsburgh will look to see how Jeff Long is enjoying his new job at Arkansas before beginning another extensive search of people previously employed at the University.